Guest Riding With Stkd! at Gateway Cup

Written by Gabby Allong

The Universe Moving in Mysterious Ways
I was originally registered to race at both Gateway Cup (St Louis, MO) and Tour of Sommerville (Sommerville, NJ) the first weekend in September. While I wasn’t sure which race I was going to attend, I was leaning towards Tour of Sommerville since I was already spending the summer on the east coast with my family in Queens, NY. When Anna reached out saying she had seen my name on the registration roster for Gateway and wanted to know if I wanted to guest ride with Stkd! Racing Squad, I was stoked (pun intended). Shortly after, I booked my flight to St. Louis and set off to meet the team. Later on, I will share how I believe this opportunity was a divine result of the universe moving in a fluid motion to align me with a phenomenal group of people and captivate my spirit in ways I will always cherish.

Race Series Support
Since I was traveling during Day 1 of the series, the second day of racing was my first. Being a guest rider on a new team was nerve-racking, but as soon as I got on-site and met the team (even as they were warming up and getting in the zone), they assured me I was in good hands. As we toed-the-line as a team, I did not feel alone. The first day of racing was tough because of the rain. The roads were slick and I could not seem to find my race bearings. The PSI in my rear tire was too high, so my wheel was skidding in every turn. When I heard Anna sneak up behind me and encourage me to move up to the front of the pack, I began to relax. Knowing that I was racing with someone who cared about my well-being meant a lot. Thankfully, we all crossed the finish line in one piece and called it a day. We tore down the tents, loaded up the van, and moved on ready to take on the next couple of days of racing.

Moments to Remember
The entire experience elevated my spirit to a new level of emotional stardom. Not only was it fantastic to be in great company with other racers, it was also nice to have my dad come out and support me and the team. Being the chatterbox that he is, my dad got along well with the team and their families. Having him at races is extra special because when I get into my “zone” and go into my introverted self, he's off being a social butterfly and makes me seem much cooler than I am.

My most memorable moment of the series was when my teammates and I controlled the race dynamics of Benton Park Classic's 10-corner course. On the final day of racing, it was the first time in my entire race career that I learned what it truly means to race as a team. We stuck to each other's wheels like glue. We stayed out of trouble by communicating about when to move up in the pack. After the race, I gained great clarity that this opportunity was destined for all of us, and all of us needed to be open enough to receive it.

Upon completing the race series, my dad told me that the Tour of Sommerville had been canceled due to the storms and flooding on the east coast. While it was tragic to hear, it strangely all worked out in our favor.

Remember when I said I’d tie it all back to the universe? Well, if Anna had not chosen to reach out to me about the guest rider opportunity on Stkd! Racing Squad, I would not have booked my ticket to St. Louis, and therefore, I would not have raced at all on Labor Day weekend. I am incredibly grateful that she DID reach out, because now I know a woman who crafts wonderful opportunities one moment at a time.


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